Saturday, March 28, 2020

Benefits of Tutoring on the Weekends

Benefits of Tutoring on the WeekendsThere are many benefits of tutoring on the weekends. By teaching online, students can learn the material while they sleep. Online tutoring also allows for flexibility of schedule as parents and students have the flexibility to study at home or at a friend's house when the teacher is not available. Time can be spent more productively when time is not wasted traveling to campus or public school.Students who have a tendency towards procrastination may want to give some extra attention to a subject that is scheduled to be completed at the end of the school term. Taking this extra work at the end of the term can be very beneficial to students who have completed it all on their own, and for those who have put in the time and effort to achieve the level of knowledge they desired. For example, a student who has completed Math me before the end of the school term can go back and complete it at the beginning of the next term. This will also help students who have been working hard in classes throughout the week to come home and complete some of the coursework they have missed.Many students who do not want to miss out on special occasions, such as dances or awards ceremony, take advantage of the weekend to study during the time when the parent is not around. Although studies are more important than fun, it is possible to ensure that they are both achieved in an effective way. If a tutor is available online during the weekend, students are able to study during the most opportune time possible.Tutoring on the weekends provides many benefits to students. One benefit is the learning from home. Students learn at their own pace while they are doing it, and it is possible to complete assignments and practice tests at their own pace. While there is no competition for resources or attendance, it is possible to work at the pace that is best for the student.Another benefit is being able to be self-motivated by choosing a tutor who is willing to he lp you get where you want to be. When the teacher is unable to offer advice due to excessive amounts of class attendance, he/she cannot supervise homework, and one cannot check on the progress. Students who are responsible for their own learning are generally encouraged to develop better skills at managing time.Parents are aware of the problems that result from students who procrastinate or are uncooperative with other students. It is common for these students to repeat the grade for which they have failed. Students who are able to give the full attention required for their assignments are more likely to succeed. Furthermore, students who are not engaged in assignments that can only be done online are unlikely to take up the subject and learn any new skills. Some teachers will find it more difficult to set up study sessions for students who do not attend class, but the benefits far outweigh this disadvantage.Students are provided with more time to study and are expected to provide t he best effort for every assignment. The tutor can then take over in order to assess the students' progress.

Friday, March 6, 2020

iGifts for kids this season - ALOHA Mind Math

iGifts for kids this season During the season of celebrations and holidays, what do you think one looks forward the most for? Did you say GIFTS? Yes your right. One looks forward most to getting and giving gifts during this season of the year. In today’s era most kids wish lists and gifts registries are technologically heavy and mostly driven by an Apple product. Please share your views here with me if you think any differently. Most American kids aged 6 years and above show an exponentially increasing interest towards the latest iOS offerings and a few other electronic and gaming devices such as computers, Nintendo Wii, Xbox etc. In a recent Nielsen study Approximately half the children surveyed expressed interest in the full-sized iPad (up from 44% last year), and 36 percent in the new iPad Mini. The iPod Touch and iPhone are also coveted devices among these young consumers (36% and 33%, respectively). This surely shows kids’ holiday gaming and electronics appetites are whet by a number of top-selling Apple devices â€" with the iPad leading the pack. With so many products to choose from across both existing and emerging technologies, electronics are well positioned to find their way onto wish lists again this season â€" and parents will clearly have some tough decisions to make as they weigh kids’ wants against their holiday budgets and making this an exciting sector to watch this holiday shopping season. We would love to hear from your experience, go on and share your story with us here.

Jam On 7 Tuneful Resources to Learn a Language Through Songs

Jam On 7 Tuneful Resources to Learn a Language Through Songs 7 Tuneful Resources to Learn a Language Through Songs Do you think learning a language should be fun?Thats music to our ears.Music and language  go together like peanut butter and jelly but without the risk of anaphylactic shock (unless youre allergic to fun ways of learning).Yes, learning a language through music is a great way to  learn a language at home. Its catchy. Its addictive. And lets face factsâ€"its downright fun.However, finding music in your target language isnt always as simple as finding music in your native tongue, so where can you learn with songs?Check out these seven tuneful resources for pitch-perfect language learning! Why Use Songs to Learn a Language?Songs are fantastic learning tools!Theyre  repetitive. How many words do you actually think are in Biebers Baby? In your native language, this often leads to super annoying earworms. However, in your target language, the repetition is ideal. Since learning a language is usually built on repetition, songs and language learning are a natural match.They invite particip ation. Perfecting a language requires speaking and listening practice, but speaking practice can be hard to come by. Songs, however, make you want to sing along, so you get some speaking practice without even having to focus on it.They help you learn vocabulary and perfect your pronunciation.  Vocabulary is much easier to remember when you can play through a catchy beat in your head to get to the word in question. Pronunciation, too, seems much easier when its conveyed so melodically.They let you  sneak in more language practice disguised as recreation. You can take a study break to listen to music. Itll still feel like a break, but you wont even halt your learning!7 Tuneful Resources to Learn a Language Through SongsLyricsTrainingIf you want to sing along, LyricsTraining has your back.Thats because as you watch music videos, LyricsTraining will highlight the lyrics for you. In karaoke mode, youll be supplied with all the lyrics. For a more challenging option, you can also try a gam e in which some words are omitted from the printed text and youre asked to supply them as you listen. There are four different game levels, so LyricsTraining is appropriate for any level of language learning.Plus, there are plenty of great song options. For instance, Japanese students might enjoy the cutesy Ponponpon by Kyrary Pamyu Pamyu.Available Languages: Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish and Turkish.FluentULearning a language with music is great, but what if you dont understand all the words? What if you wish you could see a particular word in a different context? Or what if you want to reinforce your learning with flashcards and exercises? If these are the questions that plague you, FluentU might be your answer.FluentU offers a flexible, in-context learning experience appropriate for any level of language student. Using real-world videos, like music videos, movie trailers and news, FluentU enables you to understand what you hear on a deeper level. Thats because all videos are captioned and the captions are annotated to give you easy access to any words definition, example sentences and an associated image. Plus, if youd like to see how a word is used in a different context, just click the word to see other videos that contain it.FluentU also offers learn mode, which takes videos, pictures and example sentences and transforms them into exercises and flashcards to provide you with a different perspective on the language.Additionally, FluentUs lessons are personalized by using a unique algorithm that takes into account learner history. This way, the questions youre presented with are relevant to your studies.Check out FluentU online or download the app from iTunes or Google Play.Available Languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.LyricsGapsCant find a song option thats right at your level? Try LyricsGaps!LyricsGaps offers some of the most flexi ble and specific leveling available. Each song is labeled with the difficulty level. However, you can also set your level of difficulty for gameplay, making it particularly easy to find learning options at your level.With LyricsGaps, youre given the text of the song but a few words are missing. You select the missing words from a drop-down menu as you listen. Plus, you can click any of the provided lyrics to see a words definition (though this might not work with some pop-up blockers). For instance, students learning German might like Wie Schön, Dass Du Geboren Bist, (How Wonderful That You Were Born) a childrens birthday song by Rolf Zuckowski.LyricsGaps also allows you to challenge your friends. This competition can drive language learning (or at least bring out your competitive streak).Available Languages:  A nice array of different languages, including popular options, like Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish, and less co mmon options, like Basque and Visayan.Language ZenWouldnt it be nice if you could tell at a glance what accent a singer is using? Or maybe you just wish you had easy access to a brief description of the performer. With language Zen, you have this information at the tip of your fingers.Thats because for each song Language Zen features, theres a description of the performer along with the genre and accent, making it much easier to peruse the songs for your ideal match.Language Zen offers six different levels, ranging from Beginner to Advanced Plus. There are plans to include even more advanced levels in the future, so even near-native level speakers may benefit.For each song, youll have two options. You can use the learn mode, which is a quiz-based approach to teaching you a songs vocabulary, or you can opt for the play mode, which shows the lyrics as the song plays. Want to repeat the same line or skip ahead? Just click the line to move through the song as you like. If you prefer, yo u can also read in English as you listen.Students can enjoy popular options like Vivir mi vida (Live My Life) by Marc Anthony.Available Languages: Language Zen currently offers Spanish but plans on adding more languages soon.SmuleIf you cant resist a good karaoke night, check out Smule.Smule is a karaoke community. You can listen to songs that others have uploaded or use the platform (and accompanying lyrics) to upload your own videos. This can provide you with both listening and speaking practice. Plus, since you can record your own videos, this gives you the opportunity to rewatch yourself to review your pronunciation.Since there are millions of songs, you can find popular songs in countless languages. For instance, Korean students might enjoy singing along with ??? 5?  (5 Minutes by Taxi) by Mimi Sisters.You can also download the app for iOS or Android.Available Languages: Smule boasts a large selection of languages, including Korean, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog and more. GeniusYou might already be familiar with Genius. When you just cant understand a lyric, its your go-to resource for figuring out exactly what you just heard.But Genius can also be useful for language learners. Thats because Genius lists lyrics for popular songs in a huge array of languages. For instance, Russian students may enjoy the popular song ?????? (Medina) by Jah Khalib. Conveniently enough, Genius also links to the music videos of the songs on YouTube so that you can listen as you read the lyrics.Since this resource doesnt provide translations, its best for more advanced students. However, anyone who uses it will find some great learning material. After all, users can upload annotations on lyrics, so you might even get explanations of certain parts of a song in your target language.Available Languages:  As mentioned above, youll find lyrics in many different languages on Genius.YouTubeYes, your favorite source for cat videos and beauty tutorials can also help you improve you r language skills with music. All you need is the right search term.Just try searching the name of the language and subtitles in English or your target language. For instance, you might search Chinese songs subtitles to find great options like Wo Hao Xin Ni (I Miss You Much), which offers subtitles in Chinese, pinyin and English.If you try different search terms, youre likely to find a nice array of options thatll help you follow along with the lyrics as you listen to songs.Available Languages: Practically every language in existence!These seven resources to learn language through songs are sure to strike a chord and help you fine-tune your language skills!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How To Apply For Student Loans

How To Apply For Student Loans Image via (Flickr) The two types of loans offered to undergraduate and graduate students: federal and private loans. Banks offer student loans, the federal government has its own loan program, and companies award loans to applicants either by process of election or qualification. There are different ways to apply for student loans. Below are three different options of aid for you and how to apply. Things To Know Before you start applying for student loans, there is important information you must provide and loan terminology you should be familiar with. Information needed from you is your name, a home address, your Social Security number or Identification Number, gross income, and a phone number to be reached at in any case. You also need to provide school information such as school name, major, and term or year. When applying for the first time for loan aid, you will be asked to sign a Master Promissory Note. This is a legal document that ensures you understand and agree to the terms in which you are receiving your loan. After you graduate, you’ll be given a grace period where you are not required to pay loans back yet. Use this time to settle down and choose a repayment plan. Knowing how long you have to get your ducks in a row can help you decide if the loan is a smart choice after all. Interest rates are a major concept to understand when applying for student loans. Federal Student Aid offers the school year’s interest rates so you have an idea of how much you’ll be paying back. After including an estimated rate, make sure you’ll be able to pay off any money borrowed after your grace period. If you are not eligible to receive a loan due to nonexistent or bad credit, cosigners are usually allowed to help you meet general loan qualification requirements. Cosigners provide their personal and financial information and legally promise to assist in paying back the loan. Cosigners can be anyone from a parent to a friend. Know who you can call for help. Your parents will give you advice on how to manage your finances wisely. College financial advisers are usually available on campus to help you decide your best options and even assist with the application process. Loan providers might offer a number to call for any questions you could have about their loan application and payback process. Federal Student Aid The U.S. president allocates a budget to be used for nationwide education. This money is available to students who qualify based on your, your parents’, or your guardians’ earnings. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid is the best option for aid to all college students because the U.S. Department of Education provides students with the most accessible and affordable of loans. There are subsidized and unsubsidized loans offered for undergraduate students by Federal Student Aid. Subsidized loans are a better choice of aid because the Department of Education will cover the interest rates until after your grace period or other agreement. You are responsible for paying the interest rates in unsubsidized loans. How to apply: 1. Create an account at 2. Input all personal and financial information as accurately as possible. The U.S. government runs background checks on your answers, so be honest about your information. 3. Create a FSA ID, either as you’re filling out your information or before you start a new FAFSA. This ID helps you enter into your account and access your personal information. It also lets you access other Federal Student Aid Web sites such as FAFSA on the Web. 4. After you complete and submit your application, you will receive an email that your FAFSA is being processed. 5. You will receive an email notice that your FAFSA was processed. 6. Log back into your account to view your offered loan amount. 7. Accept your award letter within the specified time set by your school. If you have other questions or concerns regarding the process, click here. Banks Wells Fargo and Bank of America carry private loans for students that need further financial aid. Other, smaller banks may offer students loans with high interest rates. To qualify for a loan, students need to provide the information for credit checks. Failure to do so may result in rejection or limited amount of aid. How to apply: 1. Start and complete an online application. 2. Electronically sign all documents. 3. Track your application process and make sure everythings running smoothly. 4. Once complete, your funds will be transferred to your school to cover any needs. Any remaining money will then be transferred to you. Credit Unions Credit unions work like and with community banks to help those in need of college financial assistance. These unions can be found locally. Credit unions are customer-owned nonprofit organizations so their privacy and personal interests equal your own. A major benefit of these union loans is that most are designed to be paid off in a short amount of time. This is helpful when interest rates are applied because rates will be lower, loans will be smaller, and you won’t feel overwhelmed to pay back a large amount. How to apply: 1. Find a credit union near you. 2. Sign up and become a member. 3. Apply for a loan by requesting a credit check or bringing a cosigner into the application process. Student loans are a great help to those in need of money and a smart way of learning how to handle finances. Just remember to only borrow what you need so you’re not stuck later with a larger amount of debt than you needed to be.

Enter to Win!

Enter to Win! Enter to Win! *Closed* Kumon North America is a proud sponsor of the PBS Kids animated series Ready Jet Go! Enter for a chance to win a Kumon PBS Kids Prize Pack. Goodies include an Amazon Fire Tablet; Ready Jet Go! beach towel; PBS Kids series DVDs, and a Kumon tote bag. Here’s how to enter! Follow @KumonNorthAmerica and @PBSKids on Instagram Like the Kumon giveaway post (see below) Leave a comment on the Kumon giveaway post letting us know how you keep your kids minds sharp over the summer. Look out for this post on the Kumon North America Instagram account the week of June 18th! Official Rules NO PURCHASE OR PAYMENT NECESSARY. A PURCHASE OR PAYMENT OF ANY KIND WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING.  1.  Eligibility The Kumon Giveaway (the “Giveaway”) is open only to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States (excluding Rhode Island) and the District of Columbia and Canada (excluding Quebec) who are at least eighteen (18) years old at the time of entry. Void where prohibited by law. Employees of Kumon North America, Inc., or any of their respective affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising agencies, or any other company or individual involved with the design, production execution or distribution of the Giveaway and their immediate family (spouse, parents and step-parents, siblings and step-siblings, and children and step-children) and household members (people who share the same residence at least three (3) months out of the year) of each such employee are not eligible. Franchisees of Kumon North America, Inc. and their respective employees are prohibited.   The Giveaway is subject to all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. Participation constitutes entrant’s full an d unconditional agreement to these Official Rules and Sponsor’s decisions, which are final and binding in all matters related to the Giveaway. Winning a prize is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements set forth herein. 2. Sponsor Kumon North America, Inc., 300 Frank W Burr Boulevard, Suite 6, Teaneck, NJ 07666. 3. Giveaway Submission Period The Giveaway submission period is from June 19, 2018 at 12:00 a.m. Eastern Time (“ET”) to June 26, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. ET (the “Giveaway Submission Period”). Sponsor is the official time keeper for this Giveaway. 4. How to Enter During the Giveaway Submission Period you can enter as follows: Follow @KumonNorthAmerica and @PBSKids on Instagram Like our contest post Leave a comment on our contest post letting us know how you keep your kids minds sharp over the summer. Each entrant is allowed only one (1) Entry during the Giveaway Submission Period. By uploading the Entry, the entrant agrees that his/her Entry conforms to all of the Official Rules, including, but not limited to, the Entry Guidelines and Content Restrictions as defined in Sections 5 below (collectively, the Guidelines and Restrictions), and that Sponsor may remove an Entry and disqualify a Participant from the Giveaway if Sponsor believes, in its sole and absolute discretion, that an Entry fails to conform to the Guidelines and Restrictions. Uploading a photo is optional. 5. Entry Requirements Each Entry: Must not contain material that violates or infringes anothers rights, including but not limited to privacy, publicity or intellectual property rights, or that constitutes copyright infringement; Must not disparage Sponsor, or any other person or party affiliated with the promotion and administration of this Giveaway; Must not in any way, either visibly or otherwise, contain any brand names or trademarks other than those of Sponsor or as indicated herein.; Must not include personally-identifiable information of anyone other than yourself; Must not contain material that is inappropriate, indecent, lewd, pornographic, obscene, hateful, tortious, defamatory, slanderous or libelous; Must not contain material that promotes bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any group or individual or promotes discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age; and Must not contain material that is unlawful, in violation of, or contrary to the laws or regulations in any jurisdiction where Entry is created. All Entries will be reviewed for content eligibility and compliance with these Official Rules before being judged. Entries containing false information, prohibited material or inappropriate content, as determined by the Sponsor, in its sole discretion, may be disqualified. Sponsor makes the final determination as to what Entries are eligible to take part in this Giveaway. Submission of an Entry grants Sponsor and its agents the unconditional, irrevocable, worldwide right to publish, use, adapt, edit and/or modify such Entry in any way, in any and all media, without limitation, and without consideration to the entrant, whether or not such Entry is selected as a winning Entry. BY SUBMITTING THE ORIGINAL ENTRY, THE ENTRANT REPRESENTS AND WARRANTS THAT HE/SHE HAS ALL RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST NECESSARY TO GRANT THE SPONSOR THE WORLDWIDE, IRREVOCABLE AND UNRESTRICTED RIGHT AND LICENSE TO ADAPT, PUBLISH, USE, EDIT, AND/OR MODIFY SUCH ENTRY IN ANY WAY AND POST THE ORIGINAL ENTRY ON THE INTE RNET OR USE THE ORIGINAL ENTRY IN ANY OTHER WAY AND AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD SPONSOR HARMLESS FROM ANY CLAIMS TO THE CONTRARY. 6. Winner Selection On or about June 29, 2018, the Sponsor or an independent judging agency will select one (1) entry prize described below in Section 9 in a random drawing of all valid entries received up to the point of the drawing. The entrant will be contacted by Instagram direct message and/or by reply to their comment entered on the contest post and may be awarded the prize (subject to verification of eligibility and compliance with the terms of these rules.) Sponsor’s decisions as to the administration and operation of the Giveaway and the selection of potential winner are final and binding in all matters related to the Giveaway. Winner will be notified or about or about the selection date. Failure to respond to the initial contact within ten (10) business days of date of notification will result in disqualification. Odds of winning a prize depend on the number of eligible entries received before the respective selection during the Giveaway Entry Period. Limit one prize per person. 7. POTENTIAL GIVEAWAY WINNER IS SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION BY SPONSOR WHOSE DECISIONS ARE FINAL AND BINDING IN ALL MATTERS RELATED TO THE GIVEAWAY. 8. Verification of Potential Winner Potential winner must continue to comply with all terms and conditions of these Official Rules and winning is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements. The potential winner may be required to provide the Sponsor with documentation that shows he or she was an eligible participant. The potential winner will be notified by Instagram direct message after the date of random drawing. The potential winner will be required to sign and return to Sponsor, within ten (10) days of the date notice is sent, an affidavit of eligibility, and liability/publicity release (except where prohibited) in order to claim his/her prize if applicable. If a potential winner of any prize cannot be contacted, fails to sign and return the affidavit of eligibility and liability/publicity release within the required time period (if applicable), or if the prize or prize notification is returned as undeliverable, potential winner forfeits prize. In the event that a potential winner of a Giveaway prize is disqualifi ed for any reason, Sponsor may award the applicable prize to an alternate winner by random drawing from among all remaining eligible entries. Canadian winners must also answer a skill-based question in order to claim a prize. 9. Prizes One (1) prize pack will be awarded. The prize winner will receive: One (1) Amazon Fire ® 7” LCD Display, 8GB with WiFi capabilities; One (1) Kumon frisbee; One (1) Kumon water bottle; One (1) Kumon tote bag; One (1) Kumon pencil; One (1) Kumon activity sheet; One (1) Kumon eraser; One (1) Kumon parent guide; One (1) Kumon Publishing workbook; one (1) Ready Jet Go water bottle; one (1) Ready Jet Go pillow case; one (1) Ready Jet Go beach towel; three (3) DVDs of other PBS Kids series (such as Dinosaur Train, Arthur, Wild Kratts â€" DVD’s may vary); one (1) Dinosaur Train magnet book; four (4) Arthur plush dolls; and one (1) PBS Kids tote bag. Prizes are non-transferable, and no substitution will be made except as provided herein at the Sponsors sole discretion. Sponsor reserves the right to substitute any listed prize for one of equal or greater value for any reason. Winner is responsible for all taxes and fees associated with prize receipt and/or use. 10. Entry Conditions and Release By entering, each entrant agrees to: (a) comply with and be bound by these Official Rules and the decisions of the Sponsor, and/or the Giveaway judges which are binding and final in all matters relating to this Giveaway; (b) release and hold harmless the Sponsor, Instagram, and their respective parent, subsidiary, and affiliated companies, the prize suppliers and any other organizations responsible for sponsoring, fulfilling, administering, advertising or promoting the Giveaway, and all of their respective past and present officers, directors, employees, agents and representatives (collectively, the “Released Parties”) from and against any and all claims, expenses, and liability, including but not limited to negligence and damages of any kind to persons and property, including but not limited to invasion of privacy (under appropriation, intrusion, public disclosure of private facts, false light in the public eye or other legal theory), defamation, slander, libel, violation of rig ht of publicity, infringement of trademark, copyright or other intellectual property rights, property damage, or death or personal injury arising out of or relating to a participant’s entry, creation of an entry or submission of an entry, participation in the Giveaway, acceptance or use or misuse of prize (including any travel or activity related thereto) and/or the broadcast, exploitation or use of entry; and (c) indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Sponsor from and against any and all claims, expenses, and liabilities (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or relating to an entrant’s participation in the Giveaway and/or entrant’s acceptance, use or misuse of prize. 11. Publicity Except where prohibited, participation in the Giveaway constitutes winners consent to Sponsor’s and its agents’ use of winner’s name, likeness, photograph, voice, opinions and/or hometown and state for promotional purposes in any media, worldwide, without further payment or consideration. 12. General Conditions Sponsor reserves the right to cancel, suspend and/or modify the Giveaway, or any part of it, if any fraud, technical failures or any other factor beyond Sponsor’s reasonable control impairs the integrity or proper functioning of the Giveaway, as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion. Sponsor reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any individual it finds to be tampering with the entry process or the operation of the Giveaway or to be acting in violation of these Official Rules or any other promotion or in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner. Any attempt by any person to deliberately undermine the legitimate operation of the Giveaway may be a violation of criminal and civil law, and, should such an attempt be made, Sponsor reserves the right to seek damages from any such person to the fullest extent permitted by law. Sponsor’s failure to enforce any term of these Official Rules shall not constitute a waiver of that provision. 13. Limitations of Liability The Released Parties are not responsible for: (a) any incorrect or inaccurate information, whether caused by entrants, printing errors or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Giveaway; (b) technical failures of any kind, including, but not limited to malfunctions, interruptions, or disconnections in phone lines or network hardware or software; (c) unauthorized human intervention in any part of the entry process or the Giveaway; (d) technical or human error which may occur in the administration of the Giveaway or the processing of Entries; or (e) any injury or damage to persons or property which may be caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, from entrant’s participation in the Giveaway or receipt or use or misuse of any prize. If for any reason an entrant’s Entry is confirmed to have been erroneously deleted, lost, or otherwise destroyed or corrupted, entrant’s sole remedy is another Entry in the Giveaway. No more than the stated number of prizes will be awarded. 14. Disputes Entrant agrees that: (a) any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Giveaway, or any prizes awarded, other than those concerning the administration of the Giveaway or the determination of winners, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action; (b) any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Giveaway, or any prizes awarded, will be construed in accordance with, the laws of the state of New Jersey, and the forum and venue for any dispute shall be in the county of Bergen County, New Jersey. If the controversy or claim is not otherwise resolved through direct discussions or mediation, it shall then be resolved by final and binding arbitration administered by judicial arbitration and mediation services, inc., in accordance with its streamlined arbitration rules and procedures or subsequent versions thereof (“Jams Rules”). The Jams Rules for selection of an arbitrator s hall be followed, except that the arbitrator shall be experienced and licensed to practice law in New Jersey. All proceedings brought pursuant to this paragraph will be conducted in Bergen County, New Jersey; (c) any and all claims, judgments and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with entering this Giveaway, but in no event attorneys’ fees; and (d) under no circumstances will entrant be permitted to obtain awards for, and entrant hereby waives all rights to claim punitive, incidental and consequential damages and any other damages, other than for actual out-of-pocket expenses, and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. 15. Entrant’s Personal Information Information collected from entrants is subject to the Sponsor’s Privacy Policy which is available here. 16. Giveaway Results For Giveaway results send a hand-printed, self-addressed, stamped envelope to Kumon Giveaway Winners List Request, Kumon North America, Inc., 300 Frank W Burr Boulevard Suite 6, Teaneck, NJ 07666. Requests for the winner list must be received by July 31, 2018. DO NOT SEND ANY OTHER CORRESPONDENCE OR ENTRIES TO THIS ADDRESS. This Giveaway is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Instagram. You are providing your information to Kumon North America, Inc. and not to Instagram. The information you provide will only be used for this Giveaway. You might also be interested in: Giveaway Alert What are the School Readiness Skills that Preschoolers Learn in Kumon? Celebrate Mathematics With These Three Pi-Tastic Activities! Guest Tips: How to Make Your Sleep Routine Smarter for Your Child Enter to Win! Enter to Win! *Closed* Kumon North America is a proud sponsor of the PBS Kids animated series Ready Jet Go! Enter for a chance to win a Kumon PBS Kids Prize Pack. Goodies include an Amazon Fire Tablet; Ready Jet Go! beach towel; PBS Kids series DVDs, and a Kumon tote bag. Here’s how to enter! Follow @KumonNorthAmerica and @PBSKids on Instagram Like the Kumon giveaway post (see below) Leave a comment on the Kumon giveaway post letting us know how you keep your kids minds sharp over the summer. Look out for this post on the Kumon North America Instagram account the week of June 18th! Official Rules NO PURCHASE OR PAYMENT NECESSARY. A PURCHASE OR PAYMENT OF ANY KIND WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING.  1.  Eligibility The Kumon Giveaway (the “Giveaway”) is open only to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States (excluding Rhode Island) and the District of Columbia and Canada (excluding Quebec) who are at least eighteen (18) years old at the time of entry. Void where prohibited by law. Employees of Kumon North America, Inc., or any of their respective affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising agencies, or any other company or individual involved with the design, production execution or distribution of the Giveaway and their immediate family (spouse, parents and step-parents, siblings and step-siblings, and children and step-children) and household members (people who share the same residence at least three (3) months out of the year) of each such employee are not eligible. Franchisees of Kumon North America, Inc. and their respective employees are prohibited.   The Giveaway is subject to all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. Participation constitutes entrant’s full an d unconditional agreement to these Official Rules and Sponsor’s decisions, which are final and binding in all matters related to the Giveaway. Winning a prize is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements set forth herein. 2. Sponsor Kumon North America, Inc., 300 Frank W Burr Boulevard, Suite 6, Teaneck, NJ 07666. 3. Giveaway Submission Period The Giveaway submission period is from June 19, 2018 at 12:00 a.m. Eastern Time (“ET”) to June 26, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. ET (the “Giveaway Submission Period”). Sponsor is the official time keeper for this Giveaway. 4. How to Enter During the Giveaway Submission Period you can enter as follows: Follow @KumonNorthAmerica and @PBSKids on Instagram Like our contest post Leave a comment on our contest post letting us know how you keep your kids minds sharp over the summer. Each entrant is allowed only one (1) Entry during the Giveaway Submission Period. By uploading the Entry, the entrant agrees that his/her Entry conforms to all of the Official Rules, including, but not limited to, the Entry Guidelines and Content Restrictions as defined in Sections 5 below (collectively, the Guidelines and Restrictions), and that Sponsor may remove an Entry and disqualify a Participant from the Giveaway if Sponsor believes, in its sole and absolute discretion, that an Entry fails to conform to the Guidelines and Restrictions. Uploading a photo is optional. 5. Entry Requirements Each Entry: Must not contain material that violates or infringes anothers rights, including but not limited to privacy, publicity or intellectual property rights, or that constitutes copyright infringement; Must not disparage Sponsor, or any other person or party affiliated with the promotion and administration of this Giveaway; Must not in any way, either visibly or otherwise, contain any brand names or trademarks other than those of Sponsor or as indicated herein.; Must not include personally-identifiable information of anyone other than yourself; Must not contain material that is inappropriate, indecent, lewd, pornographic, obscene, hateful, tortious, defamatory, slanderous or libelous; Must not contain material that promotes bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any group or individual or promotes discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age; and Must not contain material that is unlawful, in violation of, or contrary to the laws or regulations in any jurisdiction where Entry is created. All Entries will be reviewed for content eligibility and compliance with these Official Rules before being judged. Entries containing false information, prohibited material or inappropriate content, as determined by the Sponsor, in its sole discretion, may be disqualified. Sponsor makes the final determination as to what Entries are eligible to take part in this Giveaway. Submission of an Entry grants Sponsor and its agents the unconditional, irrevocable, worldwide right to publish, use, adapt, edit and/or modify such Entry in any way, in any and all media, without limitation, and without consideration to the entrant, whether or not such Entry is selected as a winning Entry. BY SUBMITTING THE ORIGINAL ENTRY, THE ENTRANT REPRESENTS AND WARRANTS THAT HE/SHE HAS ALL RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST NECESSARY TO GRANT THE SPONSOR THE WORLDWIDE, IRREVOCABLE AND UNRESTRICTED RIGHT AND LICENSE TO ADAPT, PUBLISH, USE, EDIT, AND/OR MODIFY SUCH ENTRY IN ANY WAY AND POST THE ORIGINAL ENTRY ON THE INTE RNET OR USE THE ORIGINAL ENTRY IN ANY OTHER WAY AND AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD SPONSOR HARMLESS FROM ANY CLAIMS TO THE CONTRARY. 6. Winner Selection On or about June 29, 2018, the Sponsor or an independent judging agency will select one (1) entry prize described below in Section 9 in a random drawing of all valid entries received up to the point of the drawing. The entrant will be contacted by Instagram direct message and/or by reply to their comment entered on the contest post and may be awarded the prize (subject to verification of eligibility and compliance with the terms of these rules.) Sponsor’s decisions as to the administration and operation of the Giveaway and the selection of potential winner are final and binding in all matters related to the Giveaway. Winner will be notified or about or about the selection date. Failure to respond to the initial contact within ten (10) business days of date of notification will result in disqualification. Odds of winning a prize depend on the number of eligible entries received before the respective selection during the Giveaway Entry Period. Limit one prize per person. 7. POTENTIAL GIVEAWAY WINNER IS SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION BY SPONSOR WHOSE DECISIONS ARE FINAL AND BINDING IN ALL MATTERS RELATED TO THE GIVEAWAY. 8. Verification of Potential Winner Potential winner must continue to comply with all terms and conditions of these Official Rules and winning is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements. The potential winner may be required to provide the Sponsor with documentation that shows he or she was an eligible participant. The potential winner will be notified by Instagram direct message after the date of random drawing. The potential winner will be required to sign and return to Sponsor, within ten (10) days of the date notice is sent, an affidavit of eligibility, and liability/publicity release (except where prohibited) in order to claim his/her prize if applicable. If a potential winner of any prize cannot be contacted, fails to sign and return the affidavit of eligibility and liability/publicity release within the required time period (if applicable), or if the prize or prize notification is returned as undeliverable, potential winner forfeits prize. In the event that a potential winner of a Giveaway prize is disqualifi ed for any reason, Sponsor may award the applicable prize to an alternate winner by random drawing from among all remaining eligible entries. Canadian winners must also answer a skill-based question in order to claim a prize. 9. Prizes One (1) prize pack will be awarded. The prize winner will receive: One (1) Amazon Fire ® 7” LCD Display, 8GB with WiFi capabilities; One (1) Kumon frisbee; One (1) Kumon water bottle; One (1) Kumon tote bag; One (1) Kumon pencil; One (1) Kumon activity sheet; One (1) Kumon eraser; One (1) Kumon parent guide; One (1) Kumon Publishing workbook; one (1) Ready Jet Go water bottle; one (1) Ready Jet Go pillow case; one (1) Ready Jet Go beach towel; three (3) DVDs of other PBS Kids series (such as Dinosaur Train, Arthur, Wild Kratts â€" DVD’s may vary); one (1) Dinosaur Train magnet book; four (4) Arthur plush dolls; and one (1) PBS Kids tote bag. Prizes are non-transferable, and no substitution will be made except as provided herein at the Sponsors sole discretion. Sponsor reserves the right to substitute any listed prize for one of equal or greater value for any reason. Winner is responsible for all taxes and fees associated with prize receipt and/or use. 10. Entry Conditions and Release By entering, each entrant agrees to: (a) comply with and be bound by these Official Rules and the decisions of the Sponsor, and/or the Giveaway judges which are binding and final in all matters relating to this Giveaway; (b) release and hold harmless the Sponsor, Instagram, and their respective parent, subsidiary, and affiliated companies, the prize suppliers and any other organizations responsible for sponsoring, fulfilling, administering, advertising or promoting the Giveaway, and all of their respective past and present officers, directors, employees, agents and representatives (collectively, the “Released Parties”) from and against any and all claims, expenses, and liability, including but not limited to negligence and damages of any kind to persons and property, including but not limited to invasion of privacy (under appropriation, intrusion, public disclosure of private facts, false light in the public eye or other legal theory), defamation, slander, libel, violation of rig ht of publicity, infringement of trademark, copyright or other intellectual property rights, property damage, or death or personal injury arising out of or relating to a participant’s entry, creation of an entry or submission of an entry, participation in the Giveaway, acceptance or use or misuse of prize (including any travel or activity related thereto) and/or the broadcast, exploitation or use of entry; and (c) indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Sponsor from and against any and all claims, expenses, and liabilities (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of or relating to an entrant’s participation in the Giveaway and/or entrant’s acceptance, use or misuse of prize. 11. Publicity Except where prohibited, participation in the Giveaway constitutes winners consent to Sponsor’s and its agents’ use of winner’s name, likeness, photograph, voice, opinions and/or hometown and state for promotional purposes in any media, worldwide, without further payment or consideration. 12. General Conditions Sponsor reserves the right to cancel, suspend and/or modify the Giveaway, or any part of it, if any fraud, technical failures or any other factor beyond Sponsor’s reasonable control impairs the integrity or proper functioning of the Giveaway, as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion. Sponsor reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any individual it finds to be tampering with the entry process or the operation of the Giveaway or to be acting in violation of these Official Rules or any other promotion or in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner. Any attempt by any person to deliberately undermine the legitimate operation of the Giveaway may be a violation of criminal and civil law, and, should such an attempt be made, Sponsor reserves the right to seek damages from any such person to the fullest extent permitted by law. Sponsor’s failure to enforce any term of these Official Rules shall not constitute a waiver of that provision. 13. Limitations of Liability The Released Parties are not responsible for: (a) any incorrect or inaccurate information, whether caused by entrants, printing errors or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Giveaway; (b) technical failures of any kind, including, but not limited to malfunctions, interruptions, or disconnections in phone lines or network hardware or software; (c) unauthorized human intervention in any part of the entry process or the Giveaway; (d) technical or human error which may occur in the administration of the Giveaway or the processing of Entries; or (e) any injury or damage to persons or property which may be caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, from entrant’s participation in the Giveaway or receipt or use or misuse of any prize. If for any reason an entrant’s Entry is confirmed to have been erroneously deleted, lost, or otherwise destroyed or corrupted, entrant’s sole remedy is another Entry in the Giveaway. No more than the stated number of prizes will be awarded. 14. Disputes Entrant agrees that: (a) any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Giveaway, or any prizes awarded, other than those concerning the administration of the Giveaway or the determination of winners, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action; (b) any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Giveaway, or any prizes awarded, will be construed in accordance with, the laws of the state of New Jersey, and the forum and venue for any dispute shall be in the county of Bergen County, New Jersey. If the controversy or claim is not otherwise resolved through direct discussions or mediation, it shall then be resolved by final and binding arbitration administered by judicial arbitration and mediation services, inc., in accordance with its streamlined arbitration rules and procedures or subsequent versions thereof (“Jams Rules”). The Jams Rules for selection of an arbitrator s hall be followed, except that the arbitrator shall be experienced and licensed to practice law in New Jersey. All proceedings brought pursuant to this paragraph will be conducted in Bergen County, New Jersey; (c) any and all claims, judgments and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with entering this Giveaway, but in no event attorneys’ fees; and (d) under no circumstances will entrant be permitted to obtain awards for, and entrant hereby waives all rights to claim punitive, incidental and consequential damages and any other damages, other than for actual out-of-pocket expenses, and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. 15. Entrant’s Personal Information Information collected from entrants is subject to the Sponsor’s Privacy Policy which is available here. 16. Giveaway Results For Giveaway results send a hand-printed, self-addressed, stamped envelope to Kumon Giveaway Winners List Request, Kumon North America, Inc., 300 Frank W Burr Boulevard Suite 6, Teaneck, NJ 07666. Requests for the winner list must be received by July 31, 2018. DO NOT SEND ANY OTHER CORRESPONDENCE OR ENTRIES TO THIS ADDRESS. This Giveaway is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Instagram. You are providing your information to Kumon North America, Inc. and not to Instagram. The information you provide will only be used for this Giveaway. You might also be interested in: Giveaway Alert What are the School Readiness Skills that Preschoolers Learn in Kumon? Celebrate Mathematics With These Three Pi-Tastic Activities! Guest Tips: How to Make Your Sleep Routine Smarter for Your Child

Organic Chemistry Tutor Addition

Organic Chemistry Tutor AdditionAn organic chemistry tutor addition is essential to any student who is taking up the study of organic chemistry. Many institutions provide such add-ons, in order to help in the individualized chemistry teaching, as well as the organic chemistry tutoring programs. Many also want to have an organic chemistry tutor in place for their students. This, in turn, brings out the advantages and allows people to find the most suitable professor and teacher for their child's academic needs.It is easy for a tutor to be hired on a permanent basis or as an occasional basis, depending on your availability. The graduate level and post graduate levels require a tutor, as well as a regular teacher. As such, it is not advisable to send your child to a place without the teaching qualities or ability that he needs.The use of this method of hiring a tutor, also, gives you some amount of flexibility, as to the schedule of your child, which would help you in allowing your chil d to do his own research. The tutor in you needs can be called upon to help you or your child in your need for organic chemistry tutor addition and organic chemistry tutor assistance, as well as organic chemistry tutor service.The use of the online classroom, through the use of the web sites of the school counselor, or through the use of the internet on the internet, allows a student, especially a child, to actually see what you would like him to do, if he is doing his work online. Most students can be taught in online courses, with many being able to do so under time constraints, as well as finding this to be quite a convenient method of teaching.You might be using any of these materials, as long as your kid has the internet in his home, and he is able to log on, at any time that he wants to do. The better the technology, the more advanced the lessons, and the more he learns. The use of the internet, with your organic chemistry tutor addition, will certainly allow your child to fur ther enhance his learning.This way, your child would be exposed to a greater range of learning resources. For this reason, your child could also learn a lot more than he would have been able to do through just reading textbooks or taking notes, as well as being able to take a great many decisions as he learns new information from his tutor.You can use the internet to your advantage, by searching for a combination of organic chemistry tutor, organic chemistry tutor service, and an organic chemistry tutor addition. These include the use of a textbook, as well as the use of a personal computer. With all the different types of instructional aids that are now available, and the advanced level of the material that is offered, these tools will be of immense help to anyone wanting to take up organic chemistry.

One Tutors Complete Package

One Tutor's Complete PackageTo give you a preview, there are tutoring centers available that make one tutor a complete package to serve you from the very start of your studies. There are also tutoring centers available that takes care of your whole child, whether it is a child from a third-world country or one from the United States. These centers will help you save money by having done away with the time and effort on tutoring. Such tutoring centers are already available in many cities, towns and countries, and even some in faraway lands.You can hire the services of a local tutor center in any state or city, and if you are moving to another place, then you can go to the nearest library. You can book your classes as per your convenience and the required times. If you want your child to get to meet the other children from different nations, then you need to go for the counseling session to arrange some extra tuition fees.Private tutors are quite expensive but the private tutors can wo rk on any age group and are free of charge. But not all of them are responsible. Some also use self-taught children. It depends on the choice of the parent if they are interested in using a self-taught tutor, but mostly they prefer the one who is known as a specialist in his own field.Adult tutors are available too, but it depends on the place where you want to learn the subject. Usually, the experts find a center where adult tutors can go to learn from them. There are some tips to select an expert. For example, good adult tutors always get into an arrangement for learning a particular subject.Some famous tutors are mentioned below. In America, one of the most famous tutors is Dr. Brown, one of the parents of the Ramzi Yacoub Tutors, the famous NYC tutors who are teaching basic in Social Studies and History. He has visited many a school and has prepared special training for the teachers. Dr. Brown says that he finds a mentoring for every student, so there is no need to stress over a nything. The ideal choice for American education is Mr. Henry R. Brown.These tutors make use of the latest technology and new teaching methods. The place where you will be getting the lessons from, must be a center where only the right kind of instructors can teach the lessons. You can visit the library and see if any center has these tutors. There is a complete list of these tutors, and also you can search the internet to know about their learning capabilities.The right kind of the teaching is the one that suits the needs of your child. You have to choose the one who is passionate about teaching. He must have some good qualities like the ability to follow instructions and develop rapport with students. Always pay attention to the curriculum taught by the tutor.